History of AI
AI is being researched and progressed every day with the aim of “It learn, guess and judge, just like human beings” . We describe the history.
How to create 3DCG content with Unity: Execution & Object manipulation
As part of how to create 3D computer graphics contents and games with Unity, we describe how to execute and operate objects with Unity.
How to connect Git remote and local repository (GCP CSR)
We describe how to connect Git remote and local repository.
In this knowledge, we will use Cloud Source Repositories of GCP as the Git remote repository.
Structure and Mechanism of Git
Git is a distributed version control system that can record and manage change history of source code.
This knowledge describes its structure and mechanism.
Mechanism of Tokyo Sea of Clouds at Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo
Tokyo Sea of Clouds is a production released by “Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo”. It’s an artificial sea of clouds created in the hotel garden.
We survey the technology.
Docker Compose Quick Start & Usage
Docker Compose is a tool that can centrally manage multiple Docker containers. We describe the installation method and the main commands as a usage.
Docker Usage & Entity
We describe the main commands as how to use Docker. In addition, we also describe the actual file storage location such as images and containers as an entity.
Docker Quick Start
We describe the initial setup method as a way to get started with Docker, a platform that uses container-based virtualization technology.
Python Programming: String Output & Computation & Comments
We describe how to run a python app as a starting point for Python programming. In addition, we also describe string output, calculations, and comment notation.