X can post videos as well as text.
However, on X, even if you upload a high-quality video, the image quality will be automatically reduced. Therefore, We will introduce how to upload videos beautifully on X.
Conditions for uploading videos on X
First, we will explain the conditions for uploading videos on X. Next, we will explain how to upload beautifully without degrading the image quality.
The conditions for videos that can be uploaded as official X information are described below.
The conditions for uploadable videos described are summarized below. If the video is out of this range, it cannot be uploaded regardless of the image quality.
- Format: MP4
- Longest time: 2 min 20 sec
- Minimum resolution: 32 x 32
- Maximum resolution: 1920 x 1200 (and 1200 x 1900)
- Aspect ratios: 1:2.39 – 2.39:1 range (inclusive)
- Maximum frame rate: 40 fps
- Maximum bitrate: 25 Mbps
The above conditions are the conditions for uploading from a browser.
When uploading from a smartphone mobile app, the conditions are slightly different, such as the video format can use MOV.
Conditions for uploading videos on X without degrading image quality
Even if the video is within the range shown above, if you upload a high-quality video to X, it will be automatically compressed and the image quality will be reduced.
Therefore, in order to upload a video beautifully without degrading the image quality, it is necessary to upload a video outside the automatic compression range.
The conditions will be described below.
- The vertical and horizontal resolution of the video should be 720px or less
- Size example
- 1280 x 720 (landscape)
- 720 x 1280 (portrait)
- 720 x 720 (square)
- Size example
- Bit rate should be 2,000kbps or less
- It is possible to change the bit rate by changing the frame rate as well as the resolution.
If the video is within the above conditions, the video can be uploaded neatly without degrading the image quality. However, there may be times when you want to use videos with a resolution or bit rate higher than the above range on X.
In that case, you can watch the high-quality video from X by uploading the video on YouTube and putting the link on X.
How to display thumbnails of images beautifully on X
In addition to how to upload videos beautifully on X, we will also explain how to display thumbnails of images beautifully as related knowledge.
TWhen uploading an image on X, the image displayed on the timeline etc. is automatically cropped depending on the aspect ratio, and only a part of the image is displayed. You need to click on the image to see the entire image.
However, in the case of an image with the following aspect ratio, the uploaded image is displayed as it is in the thumbnail. Therefore, by uploading an image of the following size, the thumbnail can be displayed neatly.
- 2:1 (landscape – e.g. 1280:640)
- 16:9 (landscape – e.g. 1280:720)
- 4:3 (landscape – e.g. 1024:768)
- 1:1 (square – e.g. 720:720)
- 4:5 (portrait – e.g. 720:900)
- 3:4 (portrait – e.g. 768:1024)